YRKKH Written Update 31th December 2024

Morning Confrontation: Abhira accuses Arman of betrayal, but he defends himself, reminding her of her trust when she was unwell.

Family Drama: Abhir faces accusations from Vidya and Kiara, causing a heated argument among the Poddars and Goenkas.

Arman Steps In: Arman protects Abhir by urging everyone to delete videos and photos, ensuring the situation doesn't escalate further.

Truth Hunt: Kiara hesitates to reveal what happened, despite pressure from Manish, Manoj, and others, leaving tensions high.

Family Tensions Rise: Kaveri lashes out at the Goenkas, urging Arman to leave Abhira, but Abhira promises to uncover the truth and support justice.

1. Truth Comes Out: Kiara clears Abhir’s name, admitting she only went to his room for passes. Vidya feels guilty and Arman insists she apologizes to Abhir.